IVN certification

The IVN (Internationaler Verband der Naturtextilwirtschaft e.V.) certification is an internationally recognized standard for natural textiles. It ensures that textiles are produced in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner, with strict guidelines on ecological and social criteria throughout the entire production process. Here are some key points about IVN certification:

Key Features of IVN Certification

  1. Environmental Standards:

    • Organic Farming: The certification requires the use of organically grown fibers, meaning no synthetic pesticides or fertilizers are used.
    • Sustainable Production: Emphasis on the reduction of water and energy consumption, and the use of environmentally friendly dyes and processing chemicals.
    • Waste Management: Proper waste treatment and recycling processes are mandatory.
  2. Social Criteria:

    • Fair Labor Practices: Ensures fair wages, safe working conditions, and no child labor.
    • Workers' Rights: Respect for workers' rights, including the right to unionize and fair treatment of employees.
  3. Quality Standards:

    • Durability: Products must meet high-quality standards to ensure long-lasting use.
    • Safety: No harmful substances or chemicals that could affect consumers' health are permitted.
  4. Traceability:

    • Transparent Supply Chain: Full traceability of the textile product from the raw material to the finished product, ensuring all standards are met at each step.
  5. Labeling:

    • Certification Mark: Products that meet the IVN standards can carry the IVN certification mark, indicating their compliance with the stringent criteria.

IVN Standards

IVN certification encompasses two main standards:

  1. IVN Best: This is the highest standard and covers all aspects of sustainable textile production, from organic fiber cultivation to environmentally friendly processing and socially responsible manufacturing.
  2. IVN Natural Textiles: A slightly less stringent standard but still ensures significant ecological and social criteria are met.

Benefits of IVN Certification

  • Consumer Trust: Provides consumers with assurance that they are purchasing a product that is both environmentally friendly and socially responsible.
  • Market Advantage: Helps brands and manufacturers differentiate their products in the market by highlighting their commitment to sustainability.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Assists companies in complying with international regulations and standards related to environmental protection and fair labor practices.

Overall, the IVN certification is a mark of excellence in the textile industry, representing a commitment to high ecological and social standards.

Se which products are IVN certified